Philip Pullman interview: 'I've always loved comics – now I'm writing one'

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Philip Pullman's story The Adventures of John Blake is illustrated by Fred Fordham
Philip Pullman's story The Adventures of John Blake is illustrated by Fred Fordham Credit: Fred Fordham/David Fickling Books

 Philip Pullman tells Nicolette Jones about his new graphic novel set on the high seas – and why he’s leaving his ponytail to the nation

In May 2017, Philip Pullman’s new graphic novel, The Adventures of John Blake: the Mystery of the Ghost Ship, illustrated by Fred Fordham, will be published in one volume by David Fickling Books. But for those who cannot wait, the novel will appear in weekly instalments in The Phoenix comic starting on May 13.

Pullman was a fan of comics as a boy. He loved The Eagle, home of Dan Dare and “Luck of the Legion”, and American comics featuring Superman and Batman, which he encountered when his family lived in Australia in 1956. These were then hard to come by in the UK, where parents and teachers were frightened off by the scaremongering of Fredric Wertham’s 1954 treatise The Seduction of the Innocent, which identified comic strips as a cause of juvenile delinquency.

His lighter materials: as a boy, Philip Pullman enjoyed comics
His lighter materials: as a boy, Philip Pullman enjoyed comics Credit: Clara Molden for the Telegraph

The Eagle was, reassuringly, edited by a vicar, the Rev Marcus Morris. Researching an essay, Pullman, who is quite an expert, sat in the Bodleian Library reading through the debut year of the comic (1951). “It was extraordinary how different the world it comes from was: the world of the Festival of Britain, social optimism, the Welfare State,” Pullman tells me, as we chat over tea in the book-lined Oxford office of his publisher. The tone of Morris’s intermittent sermonising reminded Pullman of his own clergyman grandfather’s Talks to Young People – about how to be a good chap: “ 'They say if you help other people you’re a mug. Well it’s better to be a mug than a cad.’ ”

This childhood love of comics primed Pullman to agree when, some years ago, David Fickling, the publisher of His Dark Materials, launched a comic called The DFC and asked Pullman to write for it. He imagined a boy on a ghost ship and began a story he invented as he went along, week by week, which was done for fun but, because of the deadlines, “felt a bit like being chained to an oar in the galleys”.

When the comic sank, Pullman couldn’t bear for his protagonist to go down with it, and salvaged the story. Ileen Maisel, producer of The Golden Compass, shared his enthusiasm, and together they hoped to bring John Blake to the screen. Pullman wrote a new version as a film script – and all that survived of the original was the title and the concept. The film has not happened (yet), but in 2012 a new comic rose from the ashes, The Phoenix, which has now passed its 200th edition. David Fickling made a new approach, and Pullman’s reworked, completed text was delivered to a new illustrator.

A page from The Adventures of John Blake
A page from The Adventures of John Blake Credit: Fred Fordham/David Fickling Books

Pullman’s first DFC stories were drawn by John Aggs, who was a fan of manga cartoons. Pullman admired his skill, but differed on manga. Fred Fordham, who trained as a fine artist, was more of a realist, which Pullman felt suited his filmic conception. Fordham took the script as his text, but brought his own vision to the book. Some consultation between author and illustrator in the publisher’s office led to small changes: “Serena could be blonde”; “John might be taller”. But Pullman felt the images “came very close” to how he visualised his story, or surpassed his hopes.

The first nine frames have no words at all as we zoom in on a craft, mid-ocean. After that only a smattering of dialogue peppers the opening episode: a frightening encounter between a cargo ship and a mysterious schooner. This is the Mary Alice, a time-travelling ghost ship whose crew includes the boy John Blake, a Roman (who speaks Latin) and an English sailor, Dick Merrifield, who had been enslaved by Barbary pirates in the 17th century. Pullman, who savours historical facts, points out this sort of thing did actually happen. He also enjoys the accuracy of Fordham’s pictures, and appreciates his careful research.

The plot has several strands that “will come together”. One spinning plate concerns Roger Blake of the Admiralty, inspired by Pullman’s enthusiasm for James Bond (and played, in his imagination, by Dominic West). His favourite Bonds are Sean Connery and Daniel Craig (who played Lord Asriel in The Golden Compass). The name Roger is no tribute to Moore – who Pullman dismisses as a “lounge lizard”. “I am slightly synaesthetic. O, for me, is deep black. So Roger is a name for someone dark. And Blake is a good old British naval name.” The John Blake of Pullman’s title borrows his name from a school friend.

Philip Pullman didn't like Roger Moore as James Bond
Philip Pullman didn't like Roger Moore as James Bond (here seen in The Spy Who Loved Me, 1977) Credit: Rex Features

The Adventures of John Blake is action-packed, set in present-day London, San Francisco and the South Pacific, as well as in other historical periods. “It’s about finding where home is, and sometimes your home is not where you come from, it’s the people you find yourself with. The crew of the Mary Alice – that’s John’s home. They are good people. I was very keen to have Kevin Bacon play the captain, because he usually has sinister or creepy parts and I think he’d be awfully good as a good, brave man.”

Although graphic novels sometimes reach reluctant readers, and Pullman would be delighted if this did, he did not choose the medium for this reason. “I wanted to do this,” says Pullman, “because I love the comic form. You can do things in comics with great economy, swiftness, force and effect, and I just wanted to use those potentialities.”

He is interested, too, in the connection between graphic novels and cinema, and the fact that both were invented in the same decade – the 1890s. There was no technical reason why printed stories told in pictures could not have been produced earlier, but the vocabulary of cartoon strips and the movies evolved simultaneously. “You didn’t have close-ups in comics until they were thought of in the cinema.”

The cover of John Blake

Graphic novels also connect with the way Pullman thinks. When he writes, Pullman admits, his imagination is visual. “I have a little checklist about writing a scene. 'Where are we? Where is the light coming from? What is the weather like outside? Who is present? Where are they sitting in relation to each other?’ Things I would like to know. Books that tell me things like that I read with more pleasure, because I can see them clearly.” He doesn’t want every detail, he says, but just what matters, even in the illustrations. “Good comic art is spare, provides you with the things you need to know, gives you enough background for a sense of the atmosphere of the room, but nothing you don’t need to know.”

The script was a diversion from his ongoing project The Book of Dust, a “companion novel” to His Dark Materials, “not a prequel or a sequel”, with many of the same characters and some new. It is “moving towards the place where I think the end will be. I’ll be so glad to reach it so I can cut my hair.” He has promised not to do so until the book is done. “When I cut my ponytail off I shall put it in a zip-lock bag and give it to the Bodleian,” he says with a smile. In a tone of mock self-importance, he adds: “Present it to the nation.”

Philip Pullman will cut his hair when he finishes The Book of Dust
Philip Pullman will cut his hair when he finishes The Book of Dust Credit: Clara Molden for the Telegraph

“The book is getting longer. But it is filling up with things that are all germane to what the story is becoming. Some of the themes I turned up in the course of His Dark Materials are going to be central to it.” One of these is to do with William Blake’s ideas about how we see things, as expressed in a little poem he wrote in a letter to a friend. Pullman wants to dramatise Blake’s idea that we should have twofold vision – and see with feeling and understanding, rather than a reductionist single vision, which is interested only in facts.

He also sees religious zealotry as a kind of single vision – and the narrow-mindedness of government education policy. “It’s anti-human, it’s deadening, it’s killing.” The theme of The Book of Dust will be “the necessity of the imagination. Allowing it into our lives and into the way we react to each other and think of each other.”

John Blake will be serialised weekly in The Phoenix comic from May 13. For more information go to